The Fitzpatrick Family, USA
Holiday in Croatia
June 2012.

Hello Alan and Pamela,
We are just back from our trip and wanted to send a huge “Thank You!” regarding your help in making our trip to Croatia a magical one. Every aspect of the trip ran smoothly, and Alan, all of the activities you suggested to us were wonderful. Our trip to Modric Cave and our sailing day were both highlights of the trip. Our only suggestion would be to give a little more information about those two activities to the next person. We did not realize we had “chartered” the sailboat and could bring our own food, nor did we realize the cave adventure would be a hard-hat day. Neither lack of knowledge in any way spoiled things for us, but just as an FYI for the future.
We must send our thanks, also, to all of the people, from drivers to adventure leaders, for their love of what they do and their fierce love of their country. Andrej, Sonja, Marjan, Velselka, Florio, Maria, and our final driver to the airport… you all were wonderful companions on our trip and we would love to run into you again. We appreciate your patience with our endless questions, and we appreciate all you told us of your country. We are already thinking about returning in two years time, perhaps we will see you again. And Alan, we appreciate that everyone endeavored to educate us on a wide variety of topics, from the recent conflict all the way to farming methods.
Croatia is a special place, and we appreciate all you did to share that with us.
Fond regards,
Renai Fitzpatrick