Wight Family, USA
Private tour of Croatia and Slovenia
April 2016.

Hi Natasa,

I have finally found a minute since getting home to provide feedback on our trip. Overall, it was an incredible and exciting journey and we all had a great time. We were most impressed with the magnificent scenery, mountains, rivers, ocean, islands and villages. We generally do not move too much from hotel to hotel during our vacations but this was definitely the right thing to do and it allowed us to see a very large amount of Croatia. Every village and city was different and we had favorite things about all of them. The coordination and communication between our drivers was amazing! Everyone we met was polite and helpful. We especially appreciated your calls to us on the first few days of our arrival. It was reassuring to know that we were being looked after!
All of the hotels were magnificent and their breakfasts were great as well.

Day One: Debrovnik:
Our flight was a little late but our chauffeur was there and called to notify Maris that we would be a little late.
Our tour with Maris was excellent. She is very polite and intelligent and made the walking tour very interesting, despite how tired we were from traveling.

Day Two: Debrovnik:
In the morning we walked the wall and the fort and took lots of pictures! In the afternoon, we met Marko and Ante (?) on time at the hotel. Marko offered and took us to the hardware store as my youngest daughter needed a part for the GoPro! The biking trip and hike was very nice. Dinner was great. Niko (?) was a great host and taught us about his family’s very old vineyard. We had a wonderful dinner that was preceded by wine tasting (which we enjoyed but didn’t expect!). Niko, Marko and Ante were very polite and eager to make sure we were enjoying ourselves.

Day Three: Split:
The rental car was dropped off as promised and it suited our needs perfectly with plenty of room for all and our luggage. The GPS didn’t seem to work in Debrovnik (it was about two minutes late) but after that worked fine. We had a beautiful ride to Split.
Upon our arrival, the GPS lead us to the wrong pick up spot but this was quickly identified when we were called by the Hotel. Our chauffeur for this hotel picked us up in the electric car and made us laugh all the way back to the hotel. He was our favorite chauffeur all week.
The Zip Line tour was incredible with breathtaking scenes and high adrenaline fun! We got lots of good video. This was probably the most exciting thing we did all week and definitely one of the highlights. We were very impressed about the coordination of our rides.

Day Four: Split:
Probably the biggest disappointment came when we got into the boat and were told that we could not go to the Blue Cave because the seas were too high. In fact, we didn’t even make it to Hvar. The guides were very nice and friendly and we managed to see a little bit of an island and had lunch in a village (only one restaurant was open). They truly did the best that they could do but had we known before we got into the boat that we were not going to the Blue Cave or Hvar, we might have scrambled to do something else that day (as you may recall, we were going to do the ATV adventure that day but changed it to the Blue Cave/Hvar).

Day Five: Zadar:
We had an easy drive to Zadar. On our way, we were stopped on the highway, on top of an overpass and saw the Tour de Croatia pass right below us about 30 min later. We are cyclists so this was an unexpected treat. Next, we stopped at Krka Waterfalls and were amazed by the incredible beauty. We spend about four hours here. That evening we enjoyed the sea organs and solar cell light show both on our way to dinner and on our walk back to the hotel.

Day Six: Zadar:
Marijan met us right on time in the hotel for our Hiking tour and Modric Cave trip. Unfortunately, we were unable to do the hiking tour of the Zrmanja and Krupa rivers because of the strong winds and so this part was cancelled. Also, Ann only had sneakers and not real hiking shoes, something that may have prevented her from going on the hike if the weather had been better. The cave was so interesting and challenging. We really enjoyed it. This was an excellent experience and nothing like we have ever done before!!! Marijan was polite and informative throughout our tour and stopped the van on the way back to the hotel for us to take pictures. We really didn’t know the extent to which we were going to be crawling and twisting in the cave but it was very fun (It would have been helpful for us to know that the hike required real hiking boots and the cave included a lot of crawling, twisting and going in tight places. If someone has claustrophobia, is very overweight (125kg or more) or not agile, it could be a problem, fortunately we don’t have any of these problems. We should have done more homework on this as well).

Day Seven: Rovinj:
We departed Zadar and headed to Rovinj. On our way, we stopped at Plitvice Lakes NP. We spent most of the day there and we thought it was one of the most beautiful series of waterfalls and places we had ever seen! In fact, at one point, I told Ann that this what Eden must look like!
The drive to Rovinj was a bit long and the GPS took us through some very rural parts of Croatia but the landscape was beautiful and different than the coast line beauty we had been seeing.
We were excited to see Lone as my youngest had been looking at this hotel as her favorite for months and she/we were not disappointed. The hotel, grounds and amenities were wonderful. Because it was so late, we had dinner in the hotel and it was really, really good!!

Day Eight: Rovinj:
We started the day by going to Pula where we walked around the Roman amphitheater ruins and then the town. After a quick lunch, we headed back to Rovinj where we explored the town and the kids had a fish pedicure. We had an exciting climb on an 190 step, old wooden and vertical staircase to the top of the bell tower for a panoramic view of the city. Finally, we made it back to the hotel where we finished the afternoon with a swim in the indoor pool and the indoor hot tub. We went back into town for dinner that night. We really liked Rovinj and thought it was one of the prettiest villages that we had seen all week.

Day Nine: Slovania and Zagreb:
We checked out of the hotel and headed to Slovania where we took a tour of Skocjan cave. This cave was huge and majestic and a very different and more touristy adventure than what we had enjoyed with Marijan. It was definitely worth going there.
Finally, we arrived at Hotel Esplanade and once again, a very nice hotel with gracious staff to assist us. That night, we had an excellent dinner at Gallo’s and enjoyed walking around the City Center, having our gelato (like we had done every night in Croatia), snapping a picture of Tesla’s statue and taking in the culture.

Overall, it was one of the nicest vacations we have ever had! We are also sailors and may return one day to sail the beautiful coastline and maybe have another chance to get to the Blue Cave.
Natasa, thank you so much for putting together such a wonderful and coordinated trip. Our hotels were magnificent and both a combination of being in the middle of the action (Split and Zagreb) and out of the hustle and bustle (Debrovnik, Ravinj). Thank you for taking the time to get to know who we are as a family to coordinate this trip to fit our needs and interests.

Warm Regards,